Some originals and prints are available for sale and I am available for commission jobs
While most originals and rights are typically purchased by interested museums and collectors, some Janice Huse originals and a limited number of prints are still available for sale. As her schedule permits, she is available for individual and corporate commission jobs, portraits, and book illustrations. Please feel free to contact Janice if you are interested in any of the above finished works or if you would like to discuss other similar projects.

Harriet Tubman – A Woman of Courage
As an example of a corporate commission job that I have been hired to do, I illustrated a book for Time-Life that was entitled Harriet Tubman – A Woman of Courage.
In addition to the book cover I also was contracted for additional illustrations inside this book.
I have also done similar illustration commission jobs for National Geographic, others corporations and private individuals. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in similar projects.

My painting Safe For Now was chosen to appear on a placard which was displayed on 3,800 buses and subways throughout New York City.